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Feb 20, 2019

This week, we're joined by an extra special and extra wonderful guest named Olivia James! She's here to help us learn. Learn about ourselves, about reality, and just how little we know about either of those things. 

The subject of our hypothetical musings THIS time is: philosophy! So, we're using some classic philosophical thought experiments as jumping points for strange suppositions, answering some great listener-submitted questions, and wondering if we even exist.

Topics include: Bike Is Horse, The Daydream of a Lucid-Dreaming Demon, Being Filled with Beetles, The Matrix 4: Flight Simulator '98, That Nasty Nasty Hole, R U Three, and Dumpster Brain 2: Escape from New York.


If you'd like to check out Olivia's rad blog, HERE IT IS.


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And search for us on SPOTIFY if you're more into brains with legs than brains in dumpsters.